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National No Smoking Day 2016: Quitting for a year could earn you a new kitchen

Quitting could buy you a new
kitchen...or the holiday of a

It's No Smoking Day, a day
designed to spur smokers who
want to quit into action. Quitting
is the route to better health - and
it's also good for your finances.

And some other

1. Life Insurance

Smokers pay more for life
insurance, with premiums often
double those of a non-smoker,
according to Moneysupermarket.
Smoking increases the risk of
coronary heart diseases, stroke
and a variety of cancers - so
smokers are more likely to make a

2. Lost Income

Finding a job can be more
difficult for smokers. A BHF study
found that cigarette breaks cost
employers £1,815 a year for each
full-time worker - which could
mean employers see smokers as
a costly liability.

3. Smoking in the

Smokers can also pay a price
when it comes to smoking in their
car. According to AA Cars it can
be more difficult to sell a
smoker’s car and can chop 10%
of the re-sale value.

4. Smoking in the

Selling and letting a home can be
hampered and reduce the sale
price or rental income as the
smell and staining caused by
smoke can deter potential buyers
or renters.

Quiting smoking won't only help
your bank balance, but it will also
improve your mental health. To
help kick the nasty habit, Action
on Smoking and Health (ASH) has
provided us with their top five
expert tips for quitting smoking

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