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North Korea 'has miniature nuclear warheads' claims Kim Jong-un

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
claims his country has miniature
nuclear warheads which are small
enough to be mounted on ballistic
The dictator has reportedly called
for his military to be ready to
attack the US and South Korea
with its nuclear arsenal ,
according to state media.
The announcement on Wednesday
is the latest rhetoric from North
Korea after it came under new UN
and bilateral sanctions.
US and South Korean troops
began large-scale military drills
this week, which the North calls
"nuclear war moves" and
threatened to respond with an all-
out offensive.
Missile fear: Kim Jong-un claims
North Korea has miniature
nuclear warheads
Kim's comments are his first
direct mention of the claim that
North Korea has successfully
miniaturised a nuclear warhead to
be mounted on a ballistic missile,
which is widely questioned.
"The nuclear warheads have been
standardised to be fit for ballistic
missiles by miniaturising them,"
KCNA quoted him as saying,
adding "this can be called true
nuclear deterrent."
"He stressed the importance of
building ever more powerful,
precision and miniaturised nuclear
weapons and their delivery
means," KCNA said.
Read more : North Korean
dictator Kim Jong-un threatens
'indiscriminate' NUCLEAR
STRIKES against US and South
Kim also inspected the nuclear
warheads designed for thermo-
nuclear reaction, KCNA said,
referring to a hydrogen bomb that
the country claimed to have tested
in January.
Tensions: US marines participate
in a United States-South Korea
joint landing operation drill in
North Korea conducted its fourth
nuclear test on January 6
claiming to have set off a
miniaturised hydrogen bomb,
which was disputed by many
experts and the governments of
South Korea and the US
The blast detected from the test
was simply too small to back up
the claim, experts said at the
The UN Security Council imposed
harsh new sanctions on the
isolated state last week for the
nuclear test.
It launched a long-range rocket in
February drawing international
criticism and sanctions from its
rival, South Korea.
Read more : North Koreans sent
to prison camps for using mobile
phones to contact relatives who
fled abroad
On Tuesday, South Korea
announced further measures
aimed at isolating the North by
blacklisting individuals and
entities that it said were linked to
Pyongyang's weapons
Dictator: North Korean leader Kim
Jong-un speaks during a
ceremony at the meeting hall of
the Central Committee of the
Workers' Party of Korea
China also stepped up pressure
on the North by barring one of the
31 ships on its transport
ministry's blacklist.
But a UN panel set up to monitor
sanctions under an earlier
Security Council resolution
adopted in 2009 said in a report
that it had "serious questions
about the efficacy of the current
United Nations sanctions regime."
North Korea has been "effective in
evading sanctions" by continuing
to engage in banned trade,
"facilitated by the low level of
implementation of Security
Council resolutions by Member
States," the Panel of Experts said.
"The reasons are diverse, but
include lack of political will,
inadequate enabling legislation,
lack of understanding of the
resolutions and low prioritisation,"
it said, referring to the incomplete
enforcement of sanctions.

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